API Reference

Configure products, product bundles and webhooks

This section will provide guidance on API product and bundle integration configuration.

Product Settings

Product settings are used to

  • Configure the correct URLs for User Info and Summary Webhook
  • Configure the correct callback URLs for payment redirection
  • Configure the correct Basic Authentication details that are used for the signature check of the webhook calls

Important Settings for Pay1st Integrations

These are the most important settings that are used in a Pay1st Integration

Product SettingDescriptionShop IntegrationGateway Integration
Basic Auth UsernameThe username that will be used for creating the signature of the Summary Webhook call
Basic Auth PasswordThe password that will be used for creating the signature of the Summary Webhook call
User Info Webhook URLSpecifies the URL to use when calling the User Info Webhook.
Summary Webhook URLSpecifies the URL to use when calling the Summary Webhook.
Transaction Success Callback URLThis is the URL that will be called after a payment is successful.
Transaction Pending Callback URLThis is the URL that will be called when a payment is in a pending status. Typically, payment methods with an offline step (e.g. going to a cash kiosk to complete payment) will use this state.
Transaction Failure Callback URLThis is the URL that will be called when payment is not successful.